
Showing posts from January, 2014

A Honey of a System

The presuppositions of evolutionists can be startling at times. They proclaim "EvolutionDidIt", even when there is no mechanism, evidence or credibility for the claims. For example, take the honey bee. The more we learn, the more amazing it is. The navigation becomes more and more complex the more we learn, all the way down to the genetic level. Since humans share some of the same genetic material, they invoke the viciously circular reasoning of homology and claim that "it's deeply conserved in evolution". Their communication "waggle dance" is not really understood, but still, "It's evolution wot done it!" Honey Bees via Public Domain Files It makes far more sense that the evidence indicates the Creator, who used similar elements and mechanisms for similar purposes in similar organisms. Designers do that kind of thing. Ask an engineer. The uncanny ability of honeybees to remember and communicate the location of sweet nectar has be...

Bizarre Analysis of Grand Canyon Age

A new method of determining the age of the Grand Canyon is doing more harm than good. The Evo Sith are still clinging to their interpretations of uniformitarian geology, but the evidence indicates a global Flood. This latest method gives widely differing ages for different sections of the Grand Canyon. Image Credit: US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some evolutionary scientists are now saying that because there are differing ages in the testing methods, there must be several different canyons that were united later on. Like with radiometric dating, there are assumptions, interpretations and other pitfalls with the data. This will probably raise more questions than answers. If they took of their Darwin spectacles and used the Noachian Flood perspective, scientists would have more consistent and believable results. Is the Grand Canyon old or young? Both, geologists are now saying. The latest theory, though, is unlikely to end the 140-year...

Creation, the Global Flood and the Delaware Tribe

After I posted this, questions and objections were raised. I did some further digging, and all I got was biased "This is a fake!" material, plus some "This is real, we're the Natives!". Since I'm not comfortable with it, down it goes. -Cowboy Bob

Marvels of Young Mercury

Evolutionary planetologists used their observations filtered through presuppositions and assumptions, giving us a view of the planet Mercury as a big chunk of rock. Some of those assumptions made sense, since Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Credit: MESSENGER Teams, JHU APL, NASA When it comes to cosmology and cosmogony, however, Mercury is a rather recalcitrant messenger. Instead of being a hot ancient rock, it is showing signs of a much younger planet than was previous expected. This is no surprise to biblical creationists, but causes discomfort to evolutionary scientists. Especially when creationist predictions are affirmed. In 2011 the  Messenger  spacecraft began orbiting Mercury, using its suite of sensors to study Mercury’s chemistry, magnetism, atmosphere, geology and landscape. Being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury is subject to space weathering (heating, micrometeoroid bombardment, radiation, and solar wind interaction) of extreme intensity...

Audio-Video Podcast 14 — Poisoning the Well

Poisoning the Well is a surprisingly common informal logical fallacy. People will try to influence others before someone has a chance to be heard. It can include other fallacies such as the ad hominem ("to the man"), genetic (based on the source of information) and others. It is subtle and common, and frequently experienced. Libel, slander, idle gossip and so on all can lead to poisoning the well. Atheopaths, anti-creationists and other assorted trolls use this attempt at manipulation as a matter of course. The MP3 can be downloaded here .

Hitler and Question Evolution Day

We know that Hitler was an evolutionist , and no, he was not a Christian . Other tyrants were atheist evolutionists . (Today's vitriolic evolutionists are scary in their own right.) Some of those re captioned Hitler things are hilarious, and I had to try my hand at it when I got the inspiration to have him upset about Question Evolution Day . It's nice that there's a template for it . Takes some time to get it right, though. Oh, and the actor that played Hitler? Excellent work. So anyway, this video is just under four minutes.

The Dating Game, Assumptions, and Creationist Tactics

A few months ago, I was included in a reply to mail from Haywire the Criminal Cyberstalker. (He is blocked from my account, but I was included in the reply because he was attacking me as well as other creationists.) This served as my introduction to John Heininger.  Haywire was commenting about John's "tactics". John replied, " I always relish people who can appreciate "my tactics"... I hate to think that I go to all the trouble of devising clever tactics that no one appreciates or notices. So, I have again reattached "The Dating Game Assumptions" article in PDF format for you to share around." I was given permission to reproduce it, and did some minor editing of formatting, a couple of typos and such. HOW TO PLAY THE DEEP-TIME "ASSUMPTIONS" DATING GAME How to use ASSUMPTIONS to determine the age of the universe and the earth!  ASSUMPTIONS are extremely important when you don't have any solid facts to prove yo...

More Confirmation — No "Junk DNA"

Secular scientists declared sections of DNA to be "junk" — leftovers from our so-called evolution. Actually, it was from evolutionary assumptions and bad science that caused this . They did not see what they were looking for, so they did not bother to investigate further and wrote it off. Creationists rejected the "junk DNA" designation. After further investigation, creationists were proved right, it's not  junk .  Further genome studies add to the problem for evolutionists. More functions are found that are very complex and essential for life. Although evolutionists want to live in their fantasy world and pretend that there is no Creator, their own studies clearly show that the opposite is true. It would be in their best interests to find out what our Creator has to say. It was once believed that the regions in between the protein-coding genes of the genome were wastelands of alleged nonfunctional “junk DNA.” However, we now know that these previously m...

Tiktaalik Tall Tales

Tiktaalik is back in the press. This alleged transitional form of fins-to-limbs evolution has already been dismissed . But since science is not a friend to the Evo Sith, they keep trying to zombify creatures that are dead to science and then let evolutionary speculations run loose. Rikki-Tikki-Talik is put forward as evidence of evolution, but there is no serious examination of the evidence, no mechanism for evolution, no believable conjecture as to how it happened in the first place. This is what passes for evolutionary "science". By Ghedoghedo (own work) [ CC-BY-SA-3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons What makes matters worse for evolutionary scientists is that what they find does not even fit their own speculations. As we keep telling you, evolutionist (and their wild-eyed press) keep spinning yarns and telling stories and passing it off as science. Then people who do not know how to think critically (or simply want reinforcement for their preconceptions) will not only ...

Making "Nutcracker Man" Dance

Give evolutionists some scraps of bone and rock, call an artist and stand back. Using their preconceptions, imaginations, speculations, guesses, commitment to naturalism and a boatload of logical fallacies, and you get something to put in a museum to promote an evolutionary worldview. As a bonus, it's promoted as science. (Know the difference between fantasy sports players and Darwin's Cheerleaders? Fantasy sports people are based in reality .) For example, look at "Nutcracker Man". "Nutcracker" courtesy of artur84 / First, Mary Leakey found a skull in 1959. Bits and pieces were found over the years, then more parts were found recently. Although there is dispute, this critter that apparently swung from trees is alleged to be an example of evolution in action. Actually, it is an example of fantasy evolution sports and a creature that became extinct. All the storytelling and imagination in the world cannot make Nutcracker Man danc...

Evolution, Racism and the Bible

Bigotry has been around for millennia. That is, about as long as there has been fear and hatred of people who are different. Sometimes it is so shallow, people are despised for living in the next town! (Personally, I think that bigots pick an excuse to hate someone so that they can build up their own weak egos by putting down others and then feebly trying to justify it.) Perhaps racism is faster and easier than other forms of bigotry. No particular ethnic group has a monopoly on receiving discrimination or racism. And no, labeling someone a racist because you dislike or disagree with them is a cheap way to manipulate emotions. People rightly point out that racism did not begin with evolutionism. However, Darwin gave a veneer of scientific respectability to racism. Some people believe that there are "less favored" groups who did not evolve as well as others. Contrast that with what the Bible says about races. Big difference. Genetically, the differences between us are qu...

Audio-Video Podcast 13 — Insufficient Evidence

The MP3 can be downloaded here . People tend to "fill in the blanks" in their minds when they do not have enough material to reach a conclusion. That is just human nature. In the case of evolutionary science, however, evidence that is contrary to goo-to-you evolution is often ignored or even actively suppressed. That is manipulation and keeps people from examining all the facts. An article on insufficient/suppressed evidence is here . A video was described in the podcast video, that appears below, just before the podcast.

Are Blind Cave Fish Proof of Evolution?

My wife and I had some blind cave fish in an aquarium. They were good-tempered and went well in a "community tank". We seem to have a fondness for various tetras.  Anyway. Tinkering with a protein called HSP90, some effect was found on their eyes and sockets. However, typical of evolution's proponents, results were attributed to (wait for it) evolution! But this is not only question begging, but the Fallacy of Exclusion . It seems that practically anything can be used as proof of evolution. Of course, things observed can be interpreted in other (and more sensible) ways, but people who have evolutionary presuppositions, they tend to have tunnel vision when interpreting the evidence. In addition, it is playing fast and loose with disingenuous definitions of evolution. How do fish that can see make the switch to blind cavefish, and should that process really be called “evolution”? This transformation fascinates biologists. Picture the scene—a norma...

"The Rain" by Chris Skates and Dan Tankersley — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen How I came across this book, I am uncertain. I think it was mentioned in a comment someone made. The Kindle price was right, so I gave it a try (sorry, could not find an EPUB for the Nook). One evening, I was looking for a diversion from the science and theology material and decided to give this a try. Glad I did. Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. The LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.  (Genesis 6.5-8, NASB) I suppose it could be considered "historical fiction". The Bible does not tell us the names of Noah's wife or of his sons' wives, nor do we kn...

Camel Design and Evolution

Time and again, we see animals and organisms that have special features that help them to survive, and even thrive, in their special environments. This time, we'll focus on the "ship of the desert", the camel. (They have a reputation for being ill-tempered, but how would you feel hauling cargo over long distances in the hot sun? Just a thought.) morgueFile / lisasolonynko Evolutionists have proof of the evolution of the camel. They have a mostly unchanged fossil that they have dated to be very old, and then assert that it evolved. No evidence, no mechanism, but it evolved because they said so. That's evolutionary "science" for you. But more than that, the camel has long-distance and hot weather survivability that show its amazing design. This alone is evidence against evolution and in favor of the Creator's design. It is a dry, hot, day in the desert. There is no water in sight. The wind is thick with sand, and the dunes continually shift un...

Audio-Video Podcast 12 — Atheopath Proves Us Right!

An atheopath attacked changed my plans. Got up this morning with the full intention of giving another talk about one of several informal logical fallacies that I've been wanting to present. Instead, we had vapid mail. The third annual Question Evolution Day is coming February 12, and this bastion of logic inadvertently proves us right. It's amazing how rocket surgeons like this think they're so frightfully clever, but it's easy to dismantle what passes for logic on their home world. This episode has an extended version of the "Atheopath Follies". The MP3 version is available to download here . Before I show you the video, I want to tell you that Jimmy Cretin came back and tried again:

Imagine Evolution

Just sit right back and you'll hear some tales that are supposedly traced to Darwin's fateful trip. But the weather starts getting rough when you realize that Darwin's Cheerleaders are substituting imagination for facts and then passing this off as actual science. They begin with their presuppositions that evolution is true. Then, using their evolution spectacles, they view data as evidence of evolution.  But they are often guilty of the fallacies of exclusion and of suppressed evidence . That is, there are other explanations other than "EvolutionDidIt" for the (often tiny) data that are observed. But that does not stop some people from shutting down their thought processes and enthusiastically embracing that stuff as science. Then they wonder why so many of us question evolution. You can see some splendid examples of what I'm going on about at " Evolutionary Tales Are Constructed Out of Imagination, Not Data ".

Nobody's (Super)Fault But Mine?

This is a deep article. Well, the topic is hundreds of miles deep. Specifically, the powerful earthquake in the Pacific Ocean near Kamchatka in May, 2013 . Scientists speculate that faults at such depths are caused by a sequence of events, including frictional melting and cold plate subduction, leading to out-of-control expansion of ruptures and subduction. / Wikimedia Commons / PD The earthquake was powerful and huge, with a tremendous velocity in the rupture itself. The details of this quake support models and papers by Drs. Tim Clarey, Steve Austin and John Baumgardner. What is seen is strong evidence for superfaults in the global Noachian Flood! A magnitude 8.3 earthquake recently struck deep below the Sea of Okhotsk in the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone just south of the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula and 950 miles north of Japan. It ruptured along a 110-mile-long fault about 378 miles below the surface where the Pacific Plate is being subducted, or pulled dow...

Denisovans and Neaderthals Got Around

The more we learn about early humans, the more we realize that they were just that — humans. Ideas based on evolutionary presuppositions are presented of semi- or recently-evolved brutish humanoids, but evidence refutes those images. DNA does not give any indication of intelligence. Genome sequences from Denisovans and Neanderthals show the differences between them and modern humans is quite small. And just like modern humans, they traveled. They did a fair amount of breeding. And interbreeding. Which by itself indicates that they were human. The biology, travel and similarities help affirm what we already know that was written in Genesis. If they would drop their evolutionary assumptions, these scientists could really learn something. Like the Denisovan genome recovered from a finger bone, a Neanderthal toe from the very same Siberian cave of wonders has yielded up secrets of humanity’s past. Not surprisingly, the ancestral web evident from the genomic analysis published in ...

Kangaroos Give a Mob of Evidence for Creation

G'day. The kangaroo is a famous symbol of Australia, but many people outside of there do not know much about them. Sure, the occasional magazine article and television documentary, but those are usually skewed from an evolutionary perspective. (Scientists do not know how  they evolved and have no support from the fossil record, but they have some faith-based speculations asserted as fact that they did  evolve.) It turns out that there are several species of kangaroo. There is much more to them than many of us have realized, and the roo testifies of the Creator. Kangaroo and Joey / stock.xchng / GcJ That tail provides stability and is used for support in combat with those powerful feet. And don't discount the arms for self-defense, either. You want jumping? That depends if you want distance or height, one species is more likely to excel than the other. The birth and development of the joey (offspring) is also amazing. Did you know that the mother can produce different k...

Audio-Video Podcast 11 — Thanks to Atheists and Evolutionists!

The MP3 version can be downloaded here . Taking a break from the informal logical fallacies. It's time to thank the haters for their assistance! Most criticisms are emotional and childish. But what do you do when there's a grain of truth to them? Learn from them! For me, they have helped me to sharpen my arguments, repent of my misuse of images and find better ones, and more.

More Modern Dinosaur Sightings?

Using their worldviews based on their presuppositions, the Evo Sith generally insist that dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago. Historical evidence to the contrary is rejected out of hand because it does not fit their beliefs. This is also the primary reason that the existence of dinosaur soft tissues is explained away (because it is impossible to evolutionists), often through very unscientific science and assumptions.  The existence of dinosaurs in recent times threatens evolution itself because molecules-to-man evolution requires "deep time". Although the scientific evidence is against an ancient Earth, the evolutionary propaganda value of dinosaurs would be destroyed if they were found, or if evolutionists admitted that they existed much more recently than had been assumed. Can't have the recent creation as described in Genesis get more support, can we? Nope. That would mean there's a Creator... I posted some material about dinosaur sightings in ...

Spectacular Saturn

On our last journey into the solar system, we visited Jupiter, the largest planet . It has the largest mass of the planets. Surprisingly, we learn on our trip to Saturn that although it is the second largest planet, it has the lowest density. If you could find a tub of water large enough, it would float! Although other planets have systems of rings (only discovered comparatively recently), Saturn's ring system is not only striking in appearance, but amazing in complexity. Saturn image: NASA / JPL / STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The moons of Saturn (62, they currently think) are also complex. And baffling. The second largest planet in the solar system has the second largest moon, Titan. It is the only moon with a thick atmosphere, which presents difficulties to evolutionary astronomers and cosmologists — the methane in the atmosphere should have been made to go away after a few million years, and those people claim that the universe is billions ...