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The Earth, the Moon, and Life
Of all the planets and moons in the solar system, Earth is the only one that shows any sign of having life — a great deal of life. Other planets have been discovered or suspected orbiting distant stars, but no life (and especially a variety of life like we have here) is expected to be found. Evolutionists want to find life outside of our own planet because they think it will somehow validate their ever-changing, cumbersome and anti-scientific "theory", but they are certain to be disappointed.
The Earth is uniquely positioned and designed for life. This includes its orbit, orbital tilt, the moon, the orbit of the moon and so much more.
When the Voyager 1 spacecraft reached the edge of our solar system in
1990, it turned its camera around and photographed Earth. From such a
tremendous distance, the earth appears as a tiny bluish-white grain of
sand lost in an ocean of black. This famous image of Earth is named the
Pale Blue Dot. From a secular perspective, that is all Earth is—a tiny
bit of rock and water in a vast and meaningless universe of chance. But
in the Christian worldview, this pale blue dot is the most important
planet in the universe.
Properties of Earth
Earth orbits the sun at an average distance of 93 million miles. Since
it is convenient to compare other orbits to Earth’s orbit, we refer to
this distance as one astronomical unit, or AU. At one AU, it takes Earth
one year to complete an orbit. Many units are defined in terms of
Earth’s orbital or rotational characteristics. Earth’s solar day is 24
hours, and this is what we normally mean when we use the word “day”
without any other qualifiers. Earth takes 23 hours and 56 minutes to
rotate once, relative to the stars—a sidereal day.
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