
Showing posts from October, 2013

Scoping Out the Alleged Monkey Trial

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Like many people even today, you may have been shown the 1960 movie Inherit the Wind, based on the 1955 play by the same name. Although it claims to be fiction, historical facts from the 1925 Scopes "Monkey" Trial are mixed in, making it appear to be historically reliable . In fact, Inherit the Wind is highly misleading, but used in education. Kirk Hastings gave some interesting comments and comparisons between fact and fantasy in Part XIII of his book What is Truth? For those of you who do not have that book handy, I have some links available for you. How much do you actually know about the events of the Scopes trial? Take the quiz . People "know" about the trial from Inherit the Wind, but the facts are radically different from the "docudrama". It has even deceived Christians who draw upon it as source material for a Bible study ! People should check out the facts before letting movies influence their beliefs. Cl...

Observations and Speculations about the Earth's Core

Research at Stamford University on molten iron and the Earth's core led to some interesting results. However, there are still some unanswered questions, such as the slow rate of travel of seismic waves. NASA/Dixon Rohr Indirect methods of assessment give some results, but extrapolating these into explanations of the formation of the Earth (such as accretion, or the nebular hypotheses ) do not work. In addition, discarded "percolation" theories are being resuscitated, since evolutionary conjectures do not supply the answers. Journey to the center of the earth said to show how our core came to be . Without our magnetic field, earth would be a very different place. Earth’s magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation. The magnetic field is a shield, deflecting harmful charged particles and thereby guarding our upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer, from the solar radiation that would destroy it and, with it, the conditions that support life. Our ...

Who Is Really the Liar?

Although it happens rather frequently, I am still occasionally amazed when anti-creationists and atheopaths make accusations of "liar" to Christians and especially to biblical creationists. In articles that I posted elsewhere , I have pointed out several problems with such an accusation: They cannot demonstrate an intent to deceive on the part of the Christian A disagreement on the interpretation of scientific evidence is not "lying" In most cases, the accusation is simply an emotional reaction to facts that threaten their paradigm They do not seem to know the true definition of lying The accusation is often accompanied by other logical fallacies, showing the inability for critical thinking on the part of the accuser But there is something else these libelers and slanders miss, and that is the ludicrous nature of their claim. Just think it through: Biblical creationists believe in what the Scriptures teach about God, who is holy and hates lying. We'r...

Audio-Video Podcast 1 — Introduction, Halloween, Christmas and Political Correctness Rant

Gotta start sometime, yes? And there's no improvement without starting. Some of these will be more directly associated with creation science, evolution, logic, atheism, apologetics and so on than others. But hey, a bit of variety helps. I do not intend to post things about political candidates and so forth. Video formats are easier to share on social media, but I plan on giving links to the audio for people who want to download and listen while they drive, do their household chores, work at data entry or whatever. So, let's see how it goes. Click here for the audio-only version . Video embed is acting up, click here to go directly to YouTube .

Abominable Mystery of Flowering Plants Gets Worse

Charles Darwin summed up the baffling problem of the appearance of flowering plants as an "abominable mystery". Simply put, evolutionists cannot figure out how they evolved, they just appeared suddenly, and with great diversity. No way did dinosaurs stop and smell the flowers. Or did they? Image credit: NASA/Earth Observatory Flowers are tricky to fossilize because of their delicate nature, but pollen is plentiful. Unfortunately for evolutionists, pollen has been found in "older" rock layers. This is not a problem for biblical creationists who do not have evolutionary "timeline" presuppositions. Actually, it supports the Genesis Flood models. Evolutionists have long been puzzled about how flowers could diversify to fill the earth so rapidly after they evolved. From their Early Cretaceous appearance 130–140 million years ago, evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record concludes they rapidly diversified to dominate the botanical world by ...

RATE Criticism Backfires

The RATE project ( Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth ) was an eight-year project to examine and clarify assumptions regarding "deep time". The results upset uniformitarian geologists, especially since it showed serious errors in their methodology. Several critics attempted to debunk the intensive study, mostly through "No it's not!" circular reasoning. However, a few managed to find some items that warranted further examination. Valles Caldera / / Photo by Sally King Dr. Russell Humphreys was accidentally helped by a critic. He gave further scrutiny to some material, and it gave further support to the RATE project — especially since important data from evolutionists was conveniently omitted. Even using uniformitarian assumptions, "deep time" is still deeply flawed. Recently a critic of the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) creation research project inadvertently helped me find a new line of evidence supporting the b...

Circular RNA and Junk Like That

We need some background information before continuing in today's post. Evolutionary scientists selected an area of DNA to study. The areas that they could not find a use for were labeled "junk DNA", and assumed to be leftovers from our alleged evolutionary past. Creationists said, essentially, "Not so fast", and were proven right, it is not junk . But Darwin's Cheerleaders are determined to promote their faith, even though science shows it to be false. FreeDigitalPhotos / sheelamohan When microRNA was found, it was attributed to evolution. Then circular RNAs were added, and evolution was again given credit . The more it is studied, the more DNA shows the speculations of evolution to be increasingly risible. A completely new category of circular RNAs has been discovered, adding another layer of amazing complexity to human genetics. These circular RNAs are formed from the intron regions inside a gene that were once thought to be nothing but ju...

Physics, Evolution and Mysticism

Whenever hearing or reading about evolution, it is treated as if it had a consciousness of its own. Think about it. Evolution does its own selecting, has wisdom and other characteristics are assigned to it through the fallacy of reification . When the religious nature of evolution is pointed out, the Evo Sith will say that evolution is simply a biological process (and established fact). Yet, we see that evolution is treated like a living mystical entity. Physics has been appealed to as a driving force behind evolution. We may be dealing with a form of pantheism, and rejecting the truth: God is the master designer. Some recent evolutionary papers appear to make physical laws not just constraints on natural selection, but guiding hands that build optimal designs. Hydrodynamics and the perfect transporter:  In cell membranes, aquaporins are hourglass-shaped channels that allow water molecules through but block other molecules.  Their “ remarkable  select...

Audio Saturday — Your Origins Matter

Dr. Jason Lisle of the Institute for Creation Research visited Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on October 9, 2013. He dealt with the question of why it matters in the first place what we believe about origins. You can watch the video, listen on the site, or download the audio, here . It's about 36 minutes. Note: If you have one of the flash blocking add-ons for your browser, you may want to disable it completely before going there if you want to watch the video (such as running Firefox in "safe" mode). That made it work for me.

"The Shadowed Mind" by Julie Cave — Book Review

No perks or benefits for me on this review, I purchased and read it on my own. This will not be an in-depth analysis because I don't want to ruin the story for you. The Shadowed Mind by Julie Cave is the second book in the Dinah Harris mystery trilogy. Although the reader can probably read it as a stand-alone story, I recommend reading Deadly Disclosures first to get the background on the characters. Some characters from the first book reappear briefly, and one character that appeared briefly in the first book is important in this one. Some sequels are formulaic and simply rework the original story. This is far from that. This is an unashamedly Christian novel, but it is not like so many other books that are "get saved and everything is peachy keen". Dinah Harris is struggling in her new Christian life and overcoming alcoholism. Her idiosyncrasies and personality are very believable. In fact, some of the advice she received from a friend were applicable not ...

Creationist Article from 1986 Still Refutes Uniformitarian Geology

A common and continually frustrating phenomenon for uniformitarian geologists is the deformation of sedimentary rock strata. Evolutionists contrive ad hoc "explanations" when cornered by the facts ( some of which are laughable ), or simply make assertions. Large-scale "folding" of rock layers has been justified with illogical responses such as, "There's a lot of it all over the world, so it must have happened". (Yes, I've actually been given that bit of question begging as an answer.) Uniformitarianism does not provide the answers. Global flood models do a much better job explaining observed data. Doctors Steve Austin and John D. Morris submitted a paper at the 1986 International Conference on Creationism. It is still valid almost three decades later, refuting nineteenth century geologic dogma. Introduction Evolutionists and creationists have different views on the origin of sedimentary rock strata. Evolutionists, who uphold the unif...

Ages of Ice Sheets

Using circular reasoning and assumptions reminiscent of those used in radiometric dating, evolutionary geologists believe that ice cores extracted from Greenland and Antarctica reveal that the sheets are very old. Photo courtesy of  Ted Scambos and Rob Bauer , National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) However, conditions change and new discoveries are made — including the channels under the ice that change the meltwater buildups . Uniformitarian assumptions should have been left back in the nineteenth century. Models based on the biblical global Flood yield much more accurate results. We are constantly bombarded with processes and events claimed to take millions of years. Most of us have heard that it takes coal and oil millions of years to form. The ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are also said to be millions of years old. The Greenland Ice Sheet supposedly has been the same siz...

Evolution and Antibiotic Resistance

People who believe in evolution frequently do not know what it means, conflating evolution with variation and natural selection. Too often, I see comments such as, "We know that evolution is true because we need to get a flu shot every year", or, "Antibiotic resistance is proof of evolution". Darwin's Cheerleaders who use such remarks are showing that they are enthusiastic but uninformed — we most definitely do not see any evidence of microbes-to-man evolution. Credit: CDC / Cynthia S. Goldsmith and Thomas Rowe The belief in evolution has harmed science and society , and it hinders medical science. Instead of using bad presuppositions, scientists need to spend more time actually learning how antibiotics work and how to make them more effective. At least, they've learned that excessive use of antibiotics is helping the resistant microbes thrive. That's a start. New methodology may help combat what some consider a modern evolutionary nightmare. ...

Don't Contaminate My Textbooks

Darwin's Cheerleaders are continually on patrol to protect their material from serious scrutiny. Ironically, they use all sorts of logical fallacies to do this. These include equivocating "evolution" with "science, saying that "Intelligent Design" is religion, and using emotionally-loaded terminology such as, "We don't want textbooks contaminated by creationism", or, " Ray Comfort's video is biblical porn ". We had a troll at The Question Evolution Project use a fake name on a recently acquired account, telling us that creationists are stupid and dishonest. Uh, yeah... What would happen if people were trained to think critically and honestly examine the evidence without evolutionary assumptions and presuppositions? They might see that "proofs" of evolution still fail , Haeckel's fraudulent drawings are still used , outdated and fraudulent materials are used in evolutionary indoctrination, lying to students f...

Audio Saturday PLUS — More Dinosaur Soft Tissue

One of my contentions about evolutionists and atheists is that, although they claim that they want "evidence" for the God of creation, it is an empty demand. The evidence is all around them. When they go on their rants, I wonder if they are trying to convince themselves that their fundamentally flawed worldview is valid after all, instead of trying to get biblical creationists to embrace their version of "science". For example, when I mentioned that soft dinosaur tissue had been found (which is impossible by evolutionary time scales), one fellow claimed that creationists were wrong, dishonest, had old material and so forth. He refused to accept the actual science, and preferred to cling to his refuted presuppositions. I wonder what he thinks now, since more and more of these frustrations for evolution have been found. Microscopy expert Mark Armitage returned to Real Science Radio to discuss the soft tissue, the CRS iDINO project and other items....

Oil and Gas — Evidence for the Global Flood

Some of us know the Sinclair Oil company's dinosaur logo . The prevalent thinking at the time was that dinosaurs died and turned into oil, so you're putting a dead dinosaur into your fuel tank. Now we know that this idea is incomplete . In addition, we were told that it takes millions of years for oil to form. The truth is that it is conditions, not time, that cause the formation of oil and natural gas. Oil shale (kukersite), northern Estonia / Mark A. Wilson / Wikimedia Commons / PD Huge amounts of oil reserves are trapped in oil shale. Research is being done to extract and use them. Since organic compounds degrade and cannot last for millions of years (even in shale), and since considerable amounts of marine algae and plankton have been turned into oil, these are two of the many indicators that oil deposits in oil shale and other places for a global Flood. Oil resources are in the news nearly every day, with discussions on both the pros and cons of oil “fracking....

Biological Tampering, Morality and Evolution

Some of us know the word "chimera" from mythology and fantasy stories, but it is also used in biology. Scientists are seeing what happens when they do modifications in the DNA, embryos and other parts of creatures; perhaps the combination will yield something useful. This has given us some dreadful sci-fi stories, but progress is being made in the various fields. New species may arise — but it would be helpful if there were not so many definitions of "species". "Chimera of Arezzo"/Lucarelli/Wikimedia Commons While the science itself can be fascinating (and possibly even fun), it raises some serious moral questions and concerns when it involves humans. Especially when the raw materials come from aborted children. In general, evolutionary biologists do not have qualms about this, since they do not see unborn children as persons. The lines are blurred when humans are not special, just another animal in molecules-to-man evolution. Essentially, the mor...

Cyanide, the Stuff of Life

It would be amusing if it was not so tragic. The Evo Sith are determined to believe in their failed hypothesis of evolution despite observable evidence and better explanations. Yet, some admit that life could not originate on their version of the primordial Earth, so it must have come from space. What do we have in space? One abundant molecule is hydrogen cyanide. It is exceptionally toxic. But maybe — just perhaps — it was instrumental in the formation of life out there , in space. To test the concept that life may have arisen by chance in the depths of space, scientists would have to very carefully use hydrogen cyanide in controlled conditions and experiments; intelligent design to try to prove that there was no intelligence. The best explanation is unthinkable for them, it seems. Hydrogen cyanide is one of the most reactive and toxic molecules we know, but astrobiologists view it with almost alchemical qualities for the origin of life. In “Hydrogen cyanide and life’...

Sickle-Cell Anemia and Evolution

Sickle-cell anemia is a painful disease that is caused by a genetic defect inherited from both parents. Evolutionists proclaim this as definitive proof of evolution, but that is the opposite of the truth. People who have this condition are more resistant to malaria. However, this "benefit" is offset by other unpleasant medical factors. This "proof" is presented, but other important factors are left out. 2009/Janice Haney Carr This "icon" of evolution is removed from its place of honor by an expert in his field, Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu, M.D. (Lond.), FRCP, DTMH. Not only is he a Christian, but a creationist as well. He explains why sickle-cell anemia does not support evolution. Dr Konotey-Ahulu’s speciality is a serious, chronic and painful blood disorder called sickle-cell anemia , which is supposed to be proof positive of Darwinian evolution. He explains: ‘It is caused by inheriting—from both parents—a defect in t...

Audio Saturday — Dr. Sarfati and the Line of Fire

Dr. Michael Brown interviewed Dr. Jonathan Sarfati in the second half of his radio show, "The Line of Fire". On the air, the show runs for two hours, but the posted version is a bit shorter. You can listen on the site, or download the MP3 . Bonus: Dr. Sarfati refutes some atheopaths and evolutionists in the comments. They were hopelessly outmatched.

The World's Largest Volcano Makes Sense in the Light of Global Catastrophe

The largest volcano in the world has been found. "Found? How could someone miss it?" Because it has been under water, a thousand miles east of Japan. This bad boy belched out a huge amount of lava in a short time. But there is no need to worry, it has been inactive for a long time. Its eruption, lava flow and other underwater volcanic activity interferes with uniformitarian "the present is the key to the past" assumptions. Tas Walker explains in a biblical creationist global flood framework. A team of scientists led by William Sager at Texas A&M University reported finding the largest single volcano on earth. It is under the ocean and is now inactive. Dubbed The Tamu Massif it is located about 1,600 km (1,000 miles) east of Japan, and is the largest feature of an underwater mountain range called Shatsky Rise. Reports drew attention to the unusual shape of the huge lava deposit. The volcano is low and broad, a shield volcano. Most other volc...