Fundamentally Flawed Carbon-14 Assumptions and the Age of the Earth

"Just a minute, Cowboy Bob! We all know that 14C has nothing to do with the age of the Earth!"
For the most part, that is true. Uniformitarian scientists use long-term dating methods, test meteorites and select a result that best fits their presuppositions. It would be better for all if they were more scientific and actually examined their starting points.
Using uniformitarian assumptions, Carbon-14 should not exist in many items. But it does exist. People make excuses for it, including "contamination" and testing errors. (That casts aspersions on the labs doing the testing, and should undermine their confidence in the testing methods in general.) Actually, Carbon-14 is a serious threat to the idea of an ancient Earth, and far better supports creationist Flood geology.
I recommend that you finish reading "Rethinking Carbon-14 Dating: What Does It Really Tell Us about the Age of the Earth?"Evolutionists have long used the carbon-14, or radiocarbon, dating technique as a “hammer” to bludgeon Bible-believing Christians. A straightforward reading of the Bible describes a 6,000-year-old universe, and because some carbon-14 (14C) age estimates are multiple tens of thousands of years, many think that the radiocarbon method has soundly refuted the Bible’s historical accuracy.However, these excessively long ages are easily explained within the biblical worldview, and 14C actually presents a serious problem for believers in an old earth. 14C has been detected in organic specimens (coal, wood, seashells, etc., containing carbon from formerly living organisms) that are supposedly hundreds of millions of years old—but no detectable 14C should be present in specimens that are even a little more than 100,000 years old! Nearly anyone can verify this for themselves using basic multiplication and division.