Bees, Structure and Chance

The efficient design of the honeycomb utilizes space, uses less wax, and is strong. The Evo Sith have insisted that this structure just sort of happens. As is so often the case, evolution requires a suspension of sensibilities replaced with unfounded faith.

Hi, Honey, I'm home!"

Darwin wanted it to be true that the honeycomb happened by chance, and his cheerleaders have been promoting the idea for years. But, as usual, the evidence is against evolutionists, who contradict each other — and even themselves.
The idea that honeycombs in beehives self-assemble is as old as Darwin.  A new study claims to reinforce the idea, yet honeybees are not just bystanders in the process.
Honeycombs have long been admired as examples of functional design in nature.  The hexagonal packing is the most efficient method of maximizing storage area while minimizing building materials.  Is this an example of design in nature, or natural laws at work?  Maybe that’s a false dichotomy. 
Nature News announced the self-assembly theme in an article entitled, “How honeycombs can build themselves.”  Writer Philip Ball recounts how Darwin thought of self-assembly: “The idea that the bees might first make circular cells, which become hexagonal subsequently, was proposed by Charles Darwin,” he writes, “But he was unable to find convincing evidence of it.”  That evidence has supposedly been forthcoming in a new study by an engineer in the UK:
You can read the rest of the article by buzzing over to "Do Honeycombs Just Happen, or Do Bees Design Them?"