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Wonders of the Sun
NASA/Jenny Mottar |
Let's look at the sun. No, not directly! When we explore what we know about the purpose, location, layers, immensity, complexity and more, it brings a sense of wonder. It should also bring a sense of thankfulness, as it is perfectly placed to make life on Earth possible. Here is a perspective from a creationist astrophysicist. Don't worry, most of it is written for us regular people.
It may appear small in our sky at a distance of 93 million miles,
but the sun is actually 109 times the diameter of Earth and over a
million times the volume of Earth. The sun is the largest single object
in our solar system and comprises 99.86 percent of all its mass. If a
ten-pound bowling ball represented the mass of the sun, then all the
planets, moons, comets, and everything else in our solar system could be
represented by the combined mass of one nickel and one penny. Jupiter
would be the nickel.
The sun is comprised almost entirely of
hydrogen and helium gas. But how do we know this? We measure it by
analyzing sunlight using a spectroscope, which breaks white light into a
rainbow of colors called a “spectrum.” Careful analysis of the solar
spectrum reveals narrow dark bands that indicate certain wavelengths of
light are missing. The position of these bands corresponds
to the substance that produced the light. It’s like an atomic
fingerprint. In fact, helium was actually discovered on the sun through
spectroscopy before it was found on Earth. This is why it has the name
“helium” from “Helios,” the ancient Greek deity of the sun. Similar
analysis of starlight reveals that stars are also spheres of hydrogen
and helium gas like the sun—but at much greater distances. The sun is so
hot that for most of its interior, the atoms are completely
ionized—their electrons have been stripped away from their nuclei.
You can read the rest of "The Solar System: The Sun", in context, here.