When a variety of plant and animal fossils are jumbled together in one place, uniformitarian geologists and paleontologists insist on defying sensibility by insisting that it's "slow and gradual". (And there is more than one "fossil graveyard".)
Image credit: NPS.gov |
Many scientists have conceded that the old explanation does not work, but to go as far as admitting that the geological evidence supports the global Flood is apparently unthinkable to them.
Not just horses and fish, but—like a whole ancient zoo buried together—lizards, alligators, stingrays, snakes, squirrel varieties, bats, long-tailed turtles, lemur-like primates, birds, frogs, insects, and sycamore, palm, and fern leaves were all fossilized in Wyoming's Green River Formation. A new book showcasing some of the more spectacular fossils provides secularists another opportunity to reinforce their ideas about how these diverse creatures were encased in what became a giant rock formation. Commonsense observations refute their slow-and-gradual scenario, however, and point to a more violent explanation.
Lance Grande collected the stunning fossil images for the book, The Lost World of Fossil Lake: Snapshots from Deep Time. He works as one of the curators at Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History. One of his images shows a now-extinct variety of horse—one with a tiny stature and long hind legs for its size—surrounded by fossil fish. Horses and fish don't usually hang out together, but apparently they died together. How did they end up in the same fossilized bed?
You can read the rest of "New Fossil Book Won't Showcase Obvious Catastrophe", here.