What Does Carbon-14 Tell Us about the Age of the Earth?

Radiometric dating is fraught with difficulties. These include conflicting results, no sign of anything resembling calibration, and especially a number of assumptions. When radioactive elements decay, they turn into a different, stable element (parent-daughter): Rubidium into strontium, potassium into argon and so on. The assumptions are: They know how much of the parent and daughter elements exist, no outside factors affected the quantities, and that the rate of change remained constant.

Results from radiometric dating are varied, and the scientists can choose the results that best suit their preconceptions. But there have been problems with Carbon-14. This is primarily used on organic materials, and there should be no detectable Carbon-14 in materials that are allegedly older than 100,000 years, such as diamonds. But it's there, and they make excuses such as "lab contamination".

Carbon-14 yields results that do not fit with evolutionary time scales. When using the assumptions, the results seem to defy young Earth creationist views. In reality, there is not much of a problem for creationists.
Evolutionists have long used the carbon-14, or radiocarbon, dating technique as a “hammer” to bludgeon Bible-believing Christians. A straightforward reading of the Bible describes a 6,000-year-old universe, and because some carbon-14 (14C) age estimates are multiple tens of thousands of years, many think that the radiocarbon method has soundly refuted the Bible’s historical accuracy.
However, these excessively long ages are easily explained within the biblical worldview, and 14C actually presents a serious problem for believers in an old earth. 14C has been detected in organic specimens (coal, wood, seashells, etc., containing carbon from formerly living organisms) that are supposedly hundreds of millions of years old—but no detectable 14C should be present in specimens that are even a little more than 100,000 years old! Nearly anyone can verify this for themselves using basic multiplication and division.
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