Book Review: The Coming Wrath

A world lost in time and history. The earth as it was before the world wide flood destroyed the face of the planet almost five thousand years ago. In The Coming Wrath, you will confront the problem of evil, and the core of evil that is rooted in your own heart.

You will experience the tsunami nightmare of the beautiful Madrazi, the hammering sounds of ark construction, the slaying of a dinosaur, one-on-one combat, men dying in battle, action on the high seas. Be with Madrazi as she meets the Creator in the depths of her soul.
And now for something completely different.

I am going to review a book that I did not read. But I did listen to it, narrated by Marko Malyj.

No, I am not going to give you a detailed account of the action in The Coming Wrath by geologist Dr. John K. Reed, first book of the "Lost Worlds Trilogy". You can get chapter summaries here, however, and a longer overview here.

The Coming Wrath could be considered a form of historical fiction. The setting is after Noah had been instructed by God to build the Ark. Some of the characters are based on real people from the Bible. Since we do not know anything in detail about them (including the names of the wives of Noah and his sons), Mr. Reed gave us believable characters. The central character is Madrazi, and we come to know her thoughts, feelings, fears, doubts, joys and so on. We are also introduced to other biblical people, and several who are entirely fictitious.

If this was given a rating like American movies, it could be PG-13. And it would be a really smashing movie, I tell you! Would Hollywood make a movie based on a strong story without excessive, graphic violence and gratuitous sex? If they wanted to, here is the book from which to build it.

There is material in this book to appeal to many people. There is action, romance and personal development. But it is not a "preachy" book in which some Christian fiction indulges with long tangents that make the reader long to get back to the topic. We know where the Godly people stand, however.

But there was something more that appealed to me, a biblical creationist. We have been indoctrinated to think that ancient people were one step above grunting brutes who had recently evolved and reluctant to leave their caves. That is an a priori assumption (and something our friends at Greater Ancestors will dispute). Taking a creationist viewpoint (one that is much more in keeping with what we know of the intelligence of ancient people), we see the skill and ingenuity of Noah's family and hired workers as they build the Ark.

Mankind was becoming increasingly wicked. Because of this and the Nephilim, God was going to destroy the world. Who were the Nephelim? There is some dispute about that term, and Reed does not go into detail on their origin. But they exist, and they're not at all nice people.

Dr. Reed uses one thing that is disputed in creationist circles: Rain. Did it happen before the Flood? In this book, no. If the reader disagrees and thinks that yes, it did rain before the Flood, the description of astonishment from the people will not ruin the book for that reader.

Earlier, I said that the book could have a PG-13 rating. I suggest that The Coming Wrath could be read by church groups because there is a great deal of material that would make for some lively and interesting discussions.

So I am giving it a strong recommendation. Unfortunately, it seems to be only available in the Kindle format. I hope additional formats are produced.