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Hierarchy, Genetics and Evolutionary Metaphysics
The more scientists learn about genetics and DNA, the more evolutionists must spin metaphysical, non-scientific tales to explain their findings. But God forbid that the majority of them admit that their discoveries point to a Creator instead of supporting time, chance, mutations and other fantasies.
Ever since Mendelian genetics was incorporated into Darwinism,
evolutionists have believed that the gene is king. Genes, they thought,
determine an organism’s design or, in technical jargon, the genotype
specifies the phenotype. This fit their view that the species originated
from the natural selection of biological change which did not arise
initially as a consequence of need but rather as a consequence of
random, spontaneous events. Those random, spontaneous, events were, for
example, mutations in the genes. And later when the genetic code, which
translates the information in those genes into proteins, was found to be
essentially universal throughout biology, the story seemed complete.
For if the species were designed why would their genetic codes be
identical? But today, so many problems with this story have emerged it
is difficult to keep track. And new research continues to add yet more
Aside from the non scientific claims underlying evolution’s metaphysics
(what scientific experiment informed evolutionists that independently
created species would necessarily have different genetic codes?), the
empirical science has contradicted evolution’s story at every turn.
Genes are not king, mutations show no sign of creating biology’s marvels
in spite of evolutionist’s many attempts to coax them to show off their
power, the genetic code has special properties and shows no sign of
having been a “frozen accident,” and all kinds of new codes have been
discovered that are not universal but instead are lineage-specific.
You can read the rest of "Here’s That New Paper Showing the Genetic Regulation Hierarchy", here.