Is Evolution Itself the Intelligent Designer?
An atheistic, evolutionary worldview is irrational. According to its adherents, evolution is an unguided process that is unpredictable. Expecting uniformity and predictability in nature, laws of logic to exist and so on is inconsistent with this belief system. And yet, evolution is presented as if it had intelligence. In fact, evolution is wise enough to design mutually beneficial symbiosis between different organisms, it appears.
To hear evolutionists tell their stories, evolution is able to choose, plan, make decisions and carry out its wise plans. There was a book written by a priest named Nogar that seemed to have a weird religious New Age-y approach, The Wisdom of Evolution. We keep hearing about "natural selection", which indicates that if there is selecting happening, there is a selector. Watch a nature documentary and listen for the "just so stories" of evolutionary propaganda (stories, not facts) and listen for the way that evolution is portrayed as having a kind of intelligence. This is the fallacy of reification.
To hear evolutionists tell their stories, evolution is able to choose, plan, make decisions and carry out its wise plans. There was a book written by a priest named Nogar that seemed to have a weird religious New Age-y approach, The Wisdom of Evolution. We keep hearing about "natural selection", which indicates that if there is selecting happening, there is a selector. Watch a nature documentary and listen for the "just so stories" of evolutionary propaganda (stories, not facts) and listen for the way that evolution is portrayed as having a kind of intelligence. This is the fallacy of reification.
Red hot peppers! Can evolution “design” anything, especially a chemical bomb a plant uses to be sure its seeds get spread properly?
There’s a desert plant in the Middle East that has an ingenious way of dispersing its seeds. Many plants rely on animals for help, but there’s a problem: the animal helper needs to spread the seed without destroying it. For instance, many plants surround their seeds by fleshy, delicious fruits, but if the animal munches the seeds, there they go, into oblivion instead of into the soil.
Current Biology tells the story of Ochradenus baccatus (“Taily Weed”; see photo in Flowers of Israel), a homely desert shrub that has a “mustard oil bomb” method of attracting animals but protecting its seeds from getting eaten. It attracts rodents with the delicious fruit, but if they bite into the seeds, a chemical reaction occurs between the fruit juice and the seed juice, and pow! a distasteful, toxic mustard oil bomb goes off in the mouth. The rodents quickly learn to spit out the seeds rather than eat them. Fortunately for the plant, the rodents (to avoid getting eaten by their own predators), take the fruits to their rocky habitats, the best places for the seeds to grow. This provides an especially tight example of commensal mutualism, where both parties benefit equally from their interaction.Get ready to really read the rest of this reification of evolution in "Ingenious Seed Bomb 'Designed by Evolution'", here.