Arctic Octopus Adapts Without Natural Selection and Mutation

One of the mantras that evolutionists chant involves the words "natural selection" and "mutation". These are supposed to happen over long periods of time. But the cold-water octopus did not get the memo. Instead, it tolerates cold water extremes in a surprising way — as if it was designed by a Creator instead of blind chance.
Octopuses are not warm-blooded animals, yet the speed with which their nerves transmit signals depends on temperature. So how do those that live and move in sub-zero Antarctic waters function just as well as those inhabiting warm, tropical waters? The answer surprised researchers.

Two biologists from Puerto Rico who studied the cephalopods hypothesized "on the basis of conventional natural selection" that the proteins involved in transmitting nerve impulses evolved because the cold water "selected" individual octopuses with cold-adapted mutations. But the research pair, publishing in Science, did not find the anticipated mutations in the animals' genes.

The scientists compared the genes of an Antarctic octopus with those of a warm-water species. Study co-author Joshua Rosenthal told Science News, "It was a real disappointment at first....We thought there was going to be a difference in their genes, but they were basically identical. It was puzzling."
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