Where is the Logic?

In the media and especially on the Internet, we see some startling displays of "thinking" that makes me wonder if some people are employable. As I pointed out in my recent podcast experience, the self-appointed defenders of evolution use appeal to emotion, ad hominem, genetic fallacies, poisoning the well, false dilemma, appeal to ridicule, appeal to the majority and so much more. They should be embarrassed by their straw man arguments against creationists and ID proponents, since they clearly have no understanding of what is actually taught and believed.

What goes on in the real world for the day-to-day evolutionary scientist?
Since evolutionism rests upon premises and inductive and deductive arguments, it may be useful to test them against the principles of logic. In relation to the principle of non-contradiction, one finds numerous contradictory affirmations (continuity and discontinuity, gradualism and saltationism, and, above all, extrapolation from observation to the contrary of what has been observed). In relation to the identity principle, one notes shifts of meaning (as between macro and microevolution). Many authors have mentioned the frequent use of circulus vitiosus; to this will be added here the refusal to make a decision, to follow the thought process to its natural end by affirming as true or at least most probable the contrary of what has been shown to be false. Finally, several premises have proven to be factually questionable, such as the progressive nature of evolution or the attribution to time of a causative power. So many logical anomalies call into question the scientific status of the evolutionary hypothesis.
Read the rest of "Evolutionism and Logic" here.