Inheritance and Genetics
This is one aspect of real science — proposing newer and more effective ways of evaluating information when the old ways are inadequate. This series of articles challenges both Darwinists and Creationists.
Creationists need to rethink their understanding of inheritance. The current secular view is based on the inadequate Mendelian (genetic) paradigm and the inadequate statistical theory of information. The new understanding needs to be based on biblical creation and Werner Gitt’s multidimensional theory of information. The key element in the multidimensional theory is apobetics (purpose, especially the intention of the Creator) and this explains the failure of Darwinists to come to grips with the reality of biological information, because they reject the idea of purpose. Two different purposes can be identified in the biblical view of biology—stasis of created kinds and variety within kinds. We therefore need to look for two corresponding types of informational structures—one to explain stasis and one to explain variation. The cell may be the basic unit of inheritance that provides stasis, for its extra-nuclear contents pass unchanged from parent to daughter generation. Coded information on the chromosomes is also strongly conserved, but in addition it provides controlled variation within the created kind. The new science of semiotics may provide some useful tools for implementing the multi-dimensional approach to biological information.Read the rest of "Inheritance of biological information — Part 1: The Nature of Inheritance and of Information" here, with links to the next two parts at the end of the article.