
Concealed Layers of Design

Those with Atheism Spectrum Disorder suppress evidence for the existence of God that is clearly seen (Romans 18:1), needing to repeat the mantra that things only appear  designed. They would have to count many Darwin beads and chant very fast when seeing hidden layers of complexity. In medical science and other areas of biology, advances in technology enable us to view microscopic things we never realized existed, such as cellular machines. In the trees, under the soil, in the oceans are amazingly complex worlds testifying of the Designer. View of Onteora Lake, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen George Washington Carver was a Christian and a creationist. He prayed for wisdom, and God guided him to discover about 300 uses for the peanut. The peanut . It was designed to have many uses. Indeed, Proverbs 25:2 tells us that God has concealed things, and kings discover them. They are not hidden because he does not want them found, but concealed so his work is gradually seen in many areas. H...

Non-Evolution of Bat Limbs and Wings Causes Surprise

One way Darwin's disciples evosplain common traits in unrelated creatures is to invoke convergent evolution , which is lazy and convenient. Study on it a moment. Evolutionists cannot explain a trait, so they distract the issue by claiming it evolved in other critters also. No evidence, though. This was fecklessly about the wings of birds and bats. Powered flight for both is displayed in the fossil record, and despite the efforts of Darwinists, bats have always been bats . This is what creationists have said all along. Now additional news surprises evolutionists. Wing-stretched bat,  Department of the Interior / USGS   (PD, Usage does not imply endorsement) It was wondered why there are flightless birds but no flightless bats. Apparently it is because their limbs and membranes are pretty much united. Wings on both creatures exhibit specified complexity. To believe that they are the products of time, mutations, natural selection, random processes — that's a passel of faith in ...

Evolving Evolves in a Doom Loop

From the extremely silly material turned in with straight faces as "research," it is no wonder that the secular science industry does not want financial scrutiny. It does not take a scientist to use logic and coherence to determine a...truly bizarre paper. Evolution is supposed to be without purpose because it is not an entity. Sure, figures of speech can treat something like a person, everyone does that. Then Darwin's votaries really do get into pantheism and treat evolution as a being. Luis Zaman claims evolution itself evolves. Video game console and effects, Pixabay / Vika_Glitter The worshipful description of evolution evolving because evolution is evolution and evolution evolves probably embarrassed even Rusty Swingset and the hands at the Darwin Ranch (up near Deception Pass). What was Zaman's research method? Essentially, a glorified video game that oversimplified their subjects. The software itself is known to be faulty. This tinhorn seems utterly committed t...

A Plague of Fluffy Bunnies and the Genesis Flood

Bwasted wabbits brought to Australia, then became a nightmare for agriculture! Cuteness evaporates for those viewing them after they damaged crops. Only twenty-four rabbits, and they did what rabbits do: Eat and make offspring. Hundreds of millions of offspring. The conditions were right, since there was great eating and no significant predators. Biblical creationists can use this fluffy bunny plague as an example of population growth and apply it to the Genesis Flood. There are several factors to take into consideration. Rabbit, Flickr / Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar ( CC BY 2.0 ) Scoffers say that it is ridiculous that the populations of humans and animals can be rebuilt after the Flood by so few specimens. They need to learn to do the math and figure in exponential growth. Another objection is that inbreeding depression would result. Today, yes. (Charles Darwin was concerned about his offspring when he married a first cousin.) Back at the time of the Flood, genetic degradation was n...

Surprising Animals on Noah's Ark

People have concepts about Noah's Ark, but most of them probably come from cutesie books for children. Mayhaps they imagine those floating bathtub things with giraffes sticking their heads out. Atheists (and many Christians) laugh at Noah's Ark because of what the Bible does not  teach. It may come as a shock that paintings and such showing animals going on the Ark were modern animals, and are probably wrong. The artists worked from what they knew. What Noah carried were the biblical kinds from very long ago. Ark Encounter, Pixabay /  Michael Wysmiersk Several articles have been featured on this site from Answers in Genesis regarding several aspects of the Ark, how it was seaworthy, the way it may have been built, how many animals, and more. But the critters themselves? They researched that aspect as well, presupposing the truth of the Bible but also incorporating paleontology and other sciences. Several things to think about are presented. Formerly a zookeeper at Answers in ...

The Genesis Flood and Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Americans have a wealth of national monuments and parks, many of which are comprised of large tracts of land.  Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP) is the only one named after an individual, as Teddy was both a big game hunter and a conservationist president. TRNP went through changes, first as a memorial and finally as a national park in 1978. (By the way, the teddy bear was named in his honor .) TRNP went through changes, first as a memorial and finally as a national park in 1978. It is an unintentional monument to the Genesis Flood. Layered badlands at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, NPS / Laura Thomas (PD) Sure, like other geological areas, TRNP has information signs promoting the standard uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes over long periods of time) belief. This view does not hold up for knowledgeable people. Flat planation surfaces, the badlands, layering, and more are far better explained by the Genesis Flood. TRNP consists of a vast badlands landscape of f...

Permissive Earth Makes Evolution Easier?

Recent speculations by minerals-to-magician evolutionists display tenacity, but precious little in the way of science. A new story is...truly bizarre. Remember how evolution is supposed to be without purpose?  In addition, it is not an easy thing to accomplish. We have seen that abiogenesis (chemical evolution) is essentially impossible. But it, and also evolution, are two of many presuppositions made by Darwin's acolytes. Add in teleology and pantheism, and suddenly evolution is not so difficult after all — especially after Earth's environment reached a permissive state. Nebula W51,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Apparently, Earth is an entity. Well, only entities can have desires, make choices, work toward goals, and all that good stuff. This would have also happened all over the universe. Although astrobiologists get paid for studying nonexistent alien life, they're confident it exists. Further, it supposedly has evolved and pr...

Consciousness and the Organic Brain Machine

At one time, people had souls. Some classical philosophers called it perception. Nowadays, secular scientists and philosophers are almost making their research into a comedy by their conflicting views. Many deny the existence of consciousness but still try to find it in the brain. Someone named Mr. Gordons referred to humans as "meat machines." Alan McComas is a neurosurgeon, one of many people to think they have a location for consciousness in the brain — which he says is an organic machine. Brain as a machine,  MR LIGHTMAN  at His comparison may seem reasonable at first, but it has some problems because his criteria can make many things into "machines". Also, McComas thinks those clumps of neurons called hippocampi are where consciousness resides. This idea falls apart as well. The truth is that we are created in the image of God, each one with a soul (or consciousness), and it is not a part of the container in which it resides. Over centurie...

The Immune System in Human Skin

A couple of days ago, I was out riding and happened upon my friend Hammond Suisse out riding fences. He would find a place where the fence had a flaw, and either fixed it or made a note to come back later with more equipment. We rode together a spell, and conversation turned to how I had been fighting off a lingering cold. Hammond said, "We have an amazingly complex immune system that God engineered for us. After the fall of man, it gets overwhelmed sometimes." He glanced at a scrape on his arm. Arms and hands, Pexels / Daria Liudnaya (modified at PhotoFunia ) "Seems to me that I got something in common with immune systems." "How so?" I asked. "We're both riding fences. You know, doing work that's often unseen but sure is important. Churches, stores, companies have often unseen people doing work to keep those things going." He glance down. "I better clean that up. Good thing I'm almost done," he added. Then he asked, "...

Crocodilian Fossil at the Jurassic Coast

Crocodilians, thalattosuchians, crocodylomorphs — different words, and the distinctions clutter the discussion. I will stick with crocodilian. Darwin's disciples are excited about a fossil for one of these critters. but it throws off their evolutionary storyline. The tale is that a land animal with four limbs in the Triassic period changed into crocodilians. There was enough of the new discovery available for scientists to identify it and give it a name: Turnersuchus hingleyae . They say it is the only thalattocuchian from its geologic age. Jurassic Coast of England, Flickr / Liam Eldret ( CC BY 2.0 ) There are some interesting speculations about  T. hingleyae , including how its skull indicates that it could bite quickly and powerfully. A suggestion was made that it was a live bearer instead of egg layer, but there is no evidence to support this. Evolutionary speculation without evidence? Say it isn't so! Vertebrate fossils of land-dwelling creatures have also been found in ...