
Showing posts matching the search for neanderthal

New Discoveries about Neanderthals

Here is a fun fact: The Neanderthal valley was renamed in the 19th century for theologian Joachim Neander, who also wrote the hymn "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation." Interesting that a supposed evolutionary ancestor of humans was discovered in "his" valley. There is a prairie schooner-full of information showing that the Neanderthal people were fully human . Many of us have Neanderthal DNA. Information supporting their humanness keeps pouring in. A new bit of research was quite interesting and also puzzling to evolutionists. Neanderthal Woman, PLOS One / WikiComm /  Bacon CPH  (now deleted) ( CC BY 2.5 ), Modified at  PhotoFunia Apparently these bad boys were built for speed. Not marathons, but sprinting. They were considered slow brutes and adapted for extreme cold of the Ice Age in earlier years. Well, even the Ice Age climate there gets a rethink because not as many areas were in the deep freeze as previously thought. Genetics show that...

More Evidence Neanderthals were Human

At one time, Neanderthals were portrayed as stupid brutes in our supposed evolutionary history. Evidence over the years prompted Darwinists to realize that they were not so far removed from humans after all . Still, they try to keep some form of evolutionary link going, plus showing racism against Neanderthals . This makes racist Charles Darwin smile. It should be case closed  that humans and Neanderthals were the same species because our ancestors exchanged DNA. (Indeed, some folks may have allergies because of inheriting DNA from Neanderthals .) New research affirms their humanity. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr /  Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Someone can search for but not find an ape that fashioned jewelry because it had deep personal meaning. Symbolism — which indicates abstract thought, a human trait — is indicated among these "archaic humans." Also, it has been suggested that they are not exactly extinct . They had culture and were inte...

DNA, Ancient Humans, and the Lineage of Noah

The article featured below is from a creationist peer-reviewed technical journal, so it is primarily by and for scientists. However, there are several parts that non-scientists can understand. We can skim through the details (mostly in the middle) and still learn some important things; let the scientists have the rest. Biblical creationists have long pointed out that everyone has the same facts, and the interpretation of the facts are vital. In addition, scientists are human: They start with assumptions and presuppositions which heavily influence the results of their research. The DNA of Neanderthals and Denisovans was used by members of the secular science industry to supposedly support evolution from apelike ancestors. Data were selected that should support their views. Drawing from work by  Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson , creation scientists were able to use much of the data to show how it relates to the sons of Noah. This supports recent creation. Causes of Neanderthal extinction are a...

The Humanity of Neanderthals and their Religious Views

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, I came across an article by a supporter of the Intelligent Design movement regarding the possible religious views of Neanderthals. This was an article about another article which appeared in Psychology Today . Believers in particles-to-professor evolution desperately want Neanderthals to be transitions between humans and apelike critters. Instead, evidence continually shows that they were fully human. The fact that they shared their DNA with other humans is strong evidence for their humanity. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH / Charles R. Knight , 1920 Neanderthals may be responsible for our sneezing from allergies , their hearing was like ours , the Y chromosome sure does look "modern," and more. Scientists have also looked for indications of less material aspects other than biology, paleontology, and anthropology. These include thinking and spirituality. Although some evolutionists insist on clinging to Neanderthals as a part of their sche...

Insultingly Stupid Paper on Evolution, Fermentation, and Bigger Brains

It is well known in these parts that many of the hands at the Darwin Ranch add peyote buttons to their religious rituals. It is just after readings from God is not Real but I Hate Him Anyway  by Riekert Darkens. Sometimes the noisy celebrations can be heard all the way to Stinking Lake. No word if scientists in the secular science industry ingested peyote or fermented beverages in the writing of an insultingly stupid paper. Apparently, these jaspers think that fermentation technology was important in our evolutionary ancestors getting bigger brains. Neanderthal man drinking whisky, made with AI at NightCafé It amazes this child that disregarding important details and using bad logic do not result in scientists like these filing for unemployment. They do not question evolution in the first place, but assume it to prove it (circular reasoning). Some physiological effects of fermented products on "hominids" to grow bigger brains. As is too often the case, not a shred of evidence...

Evosplaining Ancient DNA

When Darwin's acolytes evosplain, anything goes. The complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™ is frequently invoked, bringing along compatible principles such as bad logic, ignoring inconvenient facts, and all that good stuff. When dinosaur soft tissues were found, it was, "Katie, bar the door!" Evolutionists assume deep time (it is imperative for their storytelling), so they tried all sorts of rescuing devices to get away from the implications. Similar things happen with ancient DNA. Derived from DNA and clock images at Clker clipart DNA is fragile, so it should not last very long. Ideal conditions can extend its shelf life on occasion. The narrative demands deep time, so it is presumed that Neanderthal DNA is 50,000 years old. Because evolution. Darwinists put on top hats and tap dance around the age limits of DNA. They simply cannot allow themselves to face the fact that evidence consistently shows that the earth is far younger than they want to believe. Ther...

Secular Science Industry Angry that India Schools Dropped Evolution

This news is a mite confusing on several levels. The secular science industry is outraged — outraged , I tell you — that evolution has been dropped from the education system in India. That may change momentarily, but like evolutionists feeling threatened by Neanderthal intelligence , principles here are important. One thing this child found confusing is that officials said one reason to remove evolution is that it "conflicts with creation stories." Evolution is in keeping with Hinduism, the majority religious viewpoint. (Christians are a minority, and atheists are a tiny fraction of the population.) Secularists were disingenuous in their objections. Angry shouting scientist image made at Bing AI Image Creator As expected, tinhorns said that evolution is essential for science. That is false, and there are many times when genuine science is performed without rubbing the belly of the Bearded Buddha. Molecules-to-mystic evolution is unhelpful in teaching medical science , and we ...

Neanderthal Intelligence Threatening to Evolutionists

There is a substance called pitch  that is the result of geological processes, and that has been presented as a problem for biblical creationists. Pitch is the result of the Genesis Flood, so how could Noah coat the Ark with this waterproof tar-like substance (Gen. 6:14)? That is not such a "gotcha" as scoffers think, since pitch also comes from plant material . It has been learned that Neanderthals learned how to make and use pitch from birch trees. This shows yet again that they were smarter than secularists previously thought — and this threatens them. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr / Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Obviously, denizens of the secular science industry will not accept the fact that these fully-human folks were descendants of Adam, who was created intelligent from the get-go. Secularists are reluctant to relinquish the evolutionary link concept. Like my Question Evolution Day breakfast, there are link problems.   Excuses are made, ...

Neanderthal Baked Crab Party

Those Neanderthals were an interesting group, and they were fond of having parties. Especially at the beach. Mayhaps last weekend was a clam bake, but this time it was a crab bake. Those things are a little more of a challenge to gather, which made it more rewarding. One Neanderthal was streaming a video of Beach Blanket Bingo , another was cranking up "Nothing but a Good Time" and someone had to get them to compromise before a fight broke out. Lots of food, cold drinks, telling stories around the fire... No fire here, but that is a story. Except that Neanderthals did know how to bake crabs. Salt-baked crab, Flickr / insatiablemunch ( CC BY 2.0 ) We are blessed to be living in a time when recipes have been passed along for generations and can be recorded for posterity. Cooking and baking techniques are in books and on television, and websites have thousands of recipes available. Also, people can always improvise ( I'm a hack at cooking ). Neanderthals baked crabs and it ...

Mitochondrial DNA in Denisova Cave

When given the right conditions, DNA can last a surprisingly long time without breaking down completely. There is a cave in Siberia that yielded information about the mysterious Denisovans, but very little is known about them. Like other people groups, they shared their DNA. This cave had mitochondrial (mt) DNA from three  groups of people, but researchers could not determine if they lived there at the same time. It appears that groups handed off that piece of real estate. There was a buildup of sediments in there as well, but secular dating methods are in disarray. Evolutionists are determined to force-fit different people groups into their classifications, but if they stripped away their assumptions, they might realize the differences between the groups are within ranges of people that we see even now. It would have been even more interesting if scientists went beyond examining mtDNA and considered nuclear DNA as well. At any rate, what was actually found is in keeping with ...

Listen Up, Neanderthals!

Some mighty interesting discoveries about Neanderthals are becoming more frequent. (Indeed, it seems like when I write up a post on them, another is waiting in my reading list for attention.) I spread out the posts. Some Darwinist holdouts want Neanderthals to remain as primitive brutes, but their humanity has been fully established . Although this Intelligent Design article supports conventional evolutionary years, it also discusses how they were sophisticated, and skilled at cooking . Another from the same source suggests use of eagle talons and feathers for ornamentation show they had symbolic expression  thought processes. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH / Charles R. Knight , 1920 Researchers can determine some surprising things from fossilized bones ( e.g.,  the amazing eyes of trilobites ), and similar technology has been applied to Neanderthals. The result is that they could hear just fine. Frankly (mind if I call you Frank?), it seems that secularists would say that goo...

Pre-Neanderthal Hominin Footprints Fake Science News

As indicated here numerous times, when it comes to origins science, secularists prioritize the narrative above logic and evidence. As we recently saw, Darwinoids have no problem with rearranging 35 million years in conventional dating for their purposes. Now we have human footprints that do not fit evolutionary schemes, so the age is conveniently redated. In addition, they use dubious reasoning and even the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Unfortunately, people who are committed to their faith in evolution will accept such nonsense because it appears to support their views. What in the world is a "pre-Neanderthal," anyway? There was also reference to the failed Heidelberg Man story. The well-preserved  footprints were given a drastic increase in their assigned age, and all this stuff raises a number of questions that evolution's true believers are loathe to ask. It is clearly evident that human nature involves investigation, creativity, and making life ...

Neanderthal Ponderings and Being Human

If you study on it, Neanderthals have evolved in evolutionary history. They were links to our apelike ancestors as portrayed in textbooks and museums. Once some of the presuppositions about apeness were dropped, improved technology was invented, and better research was conducted, they were found to be fully human. What did these guys think about? Well, what do you  think about? What is important to people can often be determined by what they own and how they act. For example, visiting the dwellings of people can indicate what is valued or at least what is interesting to them. The same may be said of Neanderthals. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr / Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) We should know that it is possible to generalize what groups of people think about, value, and provides them entertainment, but to generalize that each individual was the same as the others is the fallacy of division . My interests in music, science, theology, and other things are va...

Human Ancestors, Chewing, and — Brain Size?

Heading out Folly Road past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds), then continuing toward Deception Pass. Eventually the road leads to the Darwin Ranch property which is patrolled by the Winkie Guards. The Darwin Ranch purveys evoporn, but even they have some limits. The ranch hands were laughing about some flimsy research involving our so-called evolutionary ancestors and teeth, mastication (chewing), and brain size development. I wonder if vegetarians among them had an advantage... Mastication is actually a complex process. Artist's conception of Neanderthals 60,000 years ago,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) How did chewing evolve, anyway? (Biblical creationists know that Adam and Eve were fully functional humans, and they probably did not question the Creator's design methods.) Research was conducted involving unflavored gum, soft then stiff, and participants' energy levels were measured. Softer gum required less expend...

Neanderthals not so Mysterious After All

In the parade of our alleged evolutionary ancestors, Neanderthals were iconic. They were portrayed as brutish cave dwellers. After much time and further investigations, this image was shown to be completely wrong. Living in caves...sure, why not? People have done that through history, and even do so today. It seems that the mystery deepened for anthropologists and paleontologists. To them, Neanderthals could be the Cotton-Eyed Joes: Where did they come from, and where did they go? From a biblical creationist perspective using scientific discoveries, they are not so enigmatic after all. Neanderthal Woman, PLOS One / WikiComm /  Bacon CPH  (now deleted) ( CC BY 2.5 ), Modified at PhotoFunia It has been demonstrated that Neanderthals had all sorts of human traits but nothing to show simian ancestry. Most evolutionists have reclassified them as fully human, even though there are still some holdouts (because Darwin needs the narrative). Reconstructions show that they clean up ...

Java Man: A Rejected Missing Link

Charles Darwin proposed his conjectures about evolution by his version of natural selection, but admitted the fossil evidence was extremely poor. The first discovery of what would later be called Neanderthal Man happened before, in 1829, but the discoverer wrote it off as just another human skull. Later, evolutionist covfefe would use insufficient evidence to prop it up as a transitional form between apelike critters and humans. (Neanderthal Man is accepted as fully human today.) Another supposed missing link was  Pithecanthropus erectus , more commonly known as Java Man. Pithecanthropus erectus parts, WikiComm / Peter Maas  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Eugène Dubois is credited with the discovery, and the history is quite interesting. He was raised Roman Catholic, but his schooling destroyed his weak religion. This was accelerated by evolutionary teachings, which is something that happens to students today with a vengeance. Since Darwin needed evidence, he saddled up and rode down J...

Neanderthal DNA Fake Science News

Time and time again, we see how scientists elevate the naturalism narrative over actual science. When they do not have something that works, they use the best-in-field fallacy  instead of abandoning it. Similarly, secularists try to find ways of clinging to refuted "junk" DNA myth . Now they are doing the same thing with Neanderthals. Even though believers in universal common descent evolution get burrs under their saddles when people say that humans evolved from apes (or monkeys), those critters they present sure do look like apes. Also, evolution popularizers also use the same kind of terminology. Cut people some slack, willya? Neanderthals were portrayed as a link between humans and apes, but it has been definitively shown that they were indeed fully human . Researchers tried to bring Neanderthal down a few notches from humanity with a DNA study. It did not go well. Using poor sampling and incomplete research, scientists made assertions that are the opposite of what is rev...

Unlocking DNA Secrets using the Biblical Creation Framework

Little did Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) know when he initiated the study of genetics that Darwin's votaries would falsely claim that it supports their belief system. When Crick and Watson discovered the structure of DNA, the study of DNA became much more intense. Indeed, the study of genetics has become much more refined in recent years, and DNA is an important part of many criminal investigations. The more scientists discover, the more they learn that much more exploration is needed. Credit: RGBStock /  Sanja Gjenero  (background modified) Many surprising results have come from studies, including how "races" and ethnic groups are much more closely related than people think. (For that matter, Neanderthal DNA has been studied, and modern humans are closely related to them as well.) The study of DNA not only affects humans, but animals as well — and indicates recent creation, not evolution. Bad news for secularists: studies are well in keeping with a biblical creationi...

Bloodlines, Racism, and other Evolutionary Lunacies

It sure does look like the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been slipping away from Deception Pass, heading down Folly Road, and harvesting the peyote buttons that grow near there. Not only is peyote an endangered species, but it causes hallucinations — useful in making evolutionary propaganda. We have three connected articles to consider. The first is a prairie schooner-full of unscientific and illogical foolishness, such as moving the goalposts by redating inconvenient facts. Some falsehoods were mixed in: Although Neanderthals were fully human with ranges overlapping those of other humans (and a passel of interbreeding going on), dishonest Darwinists are playing fast and loose with dates associated with tool making. Speaking of Neanderthals, evolutionists are asserting they had the capacity for speech. (That is a big problem for them on several levels. See " Children, Reading, and Failed Evolutionary Paradigms " for more.) Although biblical creationists know they could talk,...

Neanderthal Y Chromosome Frustrates Evolutionists

It becomes difficult to reason with atheists and evolutionists. Some of us want to have meaningful conversations, and we are met with arguments akin to, "You st00pid creatards are wrong because atheism and evolution and stuff". They base their "thinking" on invalid assumptions, such as those in a recent Y chromosome study. Made at Pablo Secularists who believe that human males are going extinct  have made some serious errors in that area, and some of the same problems are still recurring. They claim Neanderthals became extinct 40,000 Darwin years ago. The prediction that the Y chromosome is shrinking and will disappear has a challenge from a study from this Neanderthal Y chromosome study. DNA is fragile, and continues to deteriorate even after death. A crime lab technician cannot reasonably expect to test DNA after someone has been long dead. Under the right conditions, it can last a while. That's why scientists were able to do a study on Neanderthal DNA and the...