Radiometric Dating and Reason — Part 7
The beat goes on in this series on radiometric dating clocks, and I reckon that fans of uniformitarianism are getting ticked. (Ticked...clock...I made a funny!) I thought the series was put into the corral last month, but ICR surprised me. Links to the previous articles in the series are here.
This time, the subject is the heavy metal clocks, such as Uranium-Lead and Thorium-Lead. There are other methods that are not so popular today (the Uranium-Helium method gave ages that were "too young"), but they all have several things in common that make for circular reasoning. These dating methods are well-established, and have a somewhat different approach from the others.
Proponents of rocks-to-radiologist evolution frequently indulge in faulty logic, and uniformitarian geologists have the same problems. Why don't they "follow where the evidence leads" and see the passel o' problems that their worldview has? That would mean that the evidence refutes their presuppositions (including "deep time"), supporting a young earth and creation; God is the creator, and he makes the rules.
This time, the subject is the heavy metal clocks, such as Uranium-Lead and Thorium-Lead. There are other methods that are not so popular today (the Uranium-Helium method gave ages that were "too young"), but they all have several things in common that make for circular reasoning. These dating methods are well-established, and have a somewhat different approach from the others.
Proponents of rocks-to-radiologist evolution frequently indulge in faulty logic, and uniformitarian geologists have the same problems. Why don't they "follow where the evidence leads" and see the passel o' problems that their worldview has? That would mean that the evidence refutes their presuppositions (including "deep time"), supporting a young earth and creation; God is the creator, and he makes the rules.
This article will address the uranium-lead (U-Pb) and thorium-lead (Th-Pb) models.You can read the entire article in context by rocking on to "Heavy Metal Clocks, U-Pb and Th-Pb Dating Models: Radioactive Dating, Part 7". Look for Part 8 next month.
Along with stratigraphic assumptions, the U-Pb and Th-Pb dating methods have been regarded as the gold standard for “deep-time” dating. Very few in the geochronology field would dare question the results of these dating methods, and therefore, by consensus, they are considered as scientific fact within the secular scientific community.